Survey for Scholarship Hunters

Dear Scholarship Hunters!

Thank you for visiting our website. We would like to know what kind of info / articles you are looking for so that we can make this website more valuable for you.

Let us know by answering below questions:

  1. Level of Education
    • What is your current level of education?
    • Which level of scholarships do you need for?
    • Senior high school / undergraduate / postgraduate / doctoral / postdoctoral / …?
  2. Duration of Scholarships
    • Full degree?
    • Short course?
    • Student exchange?
    • …?
  3. Amount of Scholarships
    • Fully funded?
    • Discount?
    • Tuition fee?
    • Living allowance?
    • …?
  4. Subject & Fields of Study
  5. Country
    • Which country are you from?
    • Which country do you want to go with the scholarship?
  6. When do you want to get the scholarship?
  7. What kind of preparation have you done?
    • Achievements?
    • Language competency & certificate? TOEFL / IELTS / …?
    • …?
  8. What kind of article do you want to read?
    • News about new scholarships?
    • Tips & tricks to get the scholarships?
    • How to apply scholarships?
    • …?
  9. Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.

Please use the comment section below to answer the above questions.

Thank You!

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390 thoughts on “Survey for Scholarship Hunters”

  1. 1. Level of Education
    a. Current level of education is P6 ( Primary 6 )
    b. Which level of scholarship I need is Secondary ( G7 )
    ( Secondary 1 )
    2. Duration of Scholarships
    Full degree ( and student exchange from Indonesia )
    3. Amount of Scholarships
    Fully funded
    4. Subject and Fields of Study
    All of the above ( Not really sure yet but am determined )
    5. Country
    I am from Indonesia
    I dream of going to Singapore or Germany with scholarship
    6. When do you want to get the scholarship?
    In January 2024 or in June/ July 2024.
    7. What kind of preparation have you done?
    I have gotten a trophy for winning top 4 in a math competition ( sempoa competition ) in Indonesia. I am also training to join more competitions and hope to get first place. I also am determined to get all A’s in my report card also all 90 and above. I now train to learn more and stay more focus.
    I am now learning German and already know how to speak English, Chinese, and Bahasa.
    8. What kind of article do you want to read?
    News about new scholarships and tips and tricks to get the scholarships.
    9. I would like to know if I could get the scholarship and I hope to be told as soon as possible which school I got in and what I need to prepare.

  2. Level of Education

    1. What is your current level of education? Undergraduate Student
    2. Which level of scholarships do you need for? Postgraduate

    Duration of Scholarships
    1. Full degree

    Amount of Scholarships
    1. Fully funded? yes please
    2. Living allowance? yes please

    Subject & Fields of Study? Physics

    1. Which country are you from? Bangladesh
    2. Which country do you want to go with the scholarship? Japan, USA, Malaysia, European country, Australia

    When do you want to get the scholarship? Summer 2024

    What kind of preparation have you done?
    1. Achievements? Computer in Diploma, Web Designing course
    2.Language competency & certificate? TOEFL / IELTS? still preparing for IELTS

    What kind of article do you want to read?
    1. News about new scholarships? yes please
    2. Tips & tricks to get the scholarships? yes please
    3. How to apply scholarships? yes please

    Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.
    story about people who already achieved that scholarships. are studying abroad really suit their expectation. etc.


  3. Perkenalkan nama saya Martin Leonardo saya akan menjawab pertanyaan berikut ini:

    Tingkat pendidikan
    Apa Anda saat ini?
    *Tingkat pendidikan saya saat ini Kelas 12 SMA
    Tingkat beasiswa apa yang Anda butuhkan?
    SMA / sarjana / pascasarjana / doktoral / pascadoktoral / …?
    Durasi Beasiswa
    Gelar penuh?
    Kursus pendek?
    Pertukaran pelajar?
    Jumlah Beasiswa
    Sepenuhnya didanai?
    Biaya kuliah?
    Tunjangan hidup?

    Mata Pelajaran & Bidang Studi
    TEKNIK industry
    Dari mana negara asalmu?
    *Saya berasal dari Indonesia
    Negara mana yang ingin Anda tuju dengan beasiswa?
    Negara yang saya ingin tuju iyalah Australia, Singapure,dan jepang
    Kapan Anda ingin mendapatkan beasiswa?
    *Ditahun 2024
    Persiapan seperti apa yang sudah Anda lakukan?
    Saya mempunyai prestasi sertifikat olimpiade
    Kompetensi & sertifikat bahasa? TOEFL/IELTS/…?
    Artikel seperti apa yang ingin Anda baca?
    *Tentang artikel mendapatkan beasiswa luar negeri
    Berita tentang beasiswa baru?
    Tips & trik mendapatkan beasiswa?
    Bagaimana cara mengajukan beasiswa?
    *Dengan cara meningkatkan nilai rapor mengikuti olimpiade yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah
    Ada hal lain yang Anda butuhkan?
    *Saya sangat menginginkan beasiswa kuliah di luar negeri dengan kuliah penuh,saya ingin mewujudkan mimpi saya dan membanggakan orang tua saya.. terimakasih 🙏🙏
    Tolong jelaskan secara rinci.

  4. 1. Tingkat Pendidikan
    saat ini saya sedang pengabdian diuniversitas darussalam gontor,setelah belajar di gontor putri
    Saya sedang mencari beasiswa sarjana
    2. Durasi Beasiswa
    Gelar penuh
    3. Jumlah Beasiswa
    Didanai penuh
    4. Mata Pelajaran & Bidang Studi
    6. Negara
    Saya dari indonesia
    Saya ingin belajar di Korea atau Eropa atau mesir
    Saya ingin mendapatkan beasiswa di 2024?
    7. Persiapan apa saja yang sudah Anda lakukan?
    Saya telah membaca artikel tentan perkuliahan diluar negri
    Saat ini, saya sedang belajar untuk IELTS
    9. Artikel apa yang ingin Anda baca?
    Berita tentang beasiswa baru, Tips & trik untuk mendapatkan beasiswa dan Cara mendaftar beasiswa

    Saya ingin menerima pemberitahuan beasiswa yang berkaitan dengan bidang studi saya.

  5. 1. Level of Education
    Currently, I’m an undergraduate student who is pursuing a bachelor of science in Animal production
    I’m looking for a masters degree scholarship
    2. Duration of Scholarships
    Full degree
    3. Amount of Scholarships
    Fully funded
    4. Subject & Fields of Study
    Animal welfare and Animal science
    6. Country
    I’m from Rwanda
    I would like to study in Korea or Europe.
    I would to to get the scholarship in 2024?
    7. What kind of preparation have you done?
    I have finished my bachelor’s degree
    Currently, I’m learning for IELTS
    9.What kind of article do you want to read?
    Both, News about new scholarships,Tips & tricks to get the scholarships and How to apply scholarships

    I would like to receive scholarship notifications related to my field of study.

  6. What is your current level of education?
    °°I’m student of MPhil
    Which level of scholarships do you need for?
    Duration of Scholarships
    °°Full degree
    Amount of Scholarships
    °°Fully funded
    Subject & Fields of Study
    °°Environmental sciences
    Which country are you from?
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship?
    °°seol, South Korea, UK,USA, Canada
    When do you want to get the scholarship? °°In 2024
    What kind of preparation have you done?
    °°gonna start preparation for ielts
    What kind of article do you want to read?
    °°News about new scholarships, Tips & tricks to get the scholarships, How to apply scholarship.

  7. 1. Level Of Education
    -12th grade vocational high school
    – Undergraduate
    2. Full Degree
    3. Fully Funded
    4. Physiotherapy
    5. – Indonesia
    – Germany, Canada
    6. 3 Years or more / 2023
    7. My Score TOEFL is 360
    8. – I have prepared the best value
    – My english is pretty good
    – I quickly learn languages
    9. News about new scholarships? Yes
    Tips & tricks to get the scholarships? Yes
    How to apply scholarships? Yes
    10. Nothing else

  8. Level of Education
    What is your current level of education?
    -Senior High school
    Which level of scholarships do you need for?
    – undergraduate
    Duration of Scholarships
    -Full degree
    Amount of Scholarships
    -Fully funded
    Subject & Fields of Study
    – cipil Engineering
    Which country are you from?
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship?
    -Australia and south korea
    When do you want to get the scholarship?
    -This year 2023
    What kind of preparation have you done?
    -studying and looking for information
    Language competency & certificate? TOEFL / IELTS / …?
    -i don’t have
    What kind of article do you want to read?
    -News about new scholarships
    Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.
    Guidance and information

  9. What is your current level of education?…. High school ( Advanced level)
    Which level of scholarships do you need for?

    Full degree?

    Amount of Scholarships
    ..Fully funded
    …Tuition fee
    …Living allowance
    Subject & Fields of Study
    Country… Qatar or Germany
    Which country are you from?..
    .. uganda
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship?……
    …Qatar or Germany

    When do you want to get the scholarship?…. 2023
    What kind of article do you want to read?
    News about new scholarships?
    Tips & tricks to get the scholarships?
    How to apply scholarships?
    Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.

  10. Level of Education
    What is your current level of education?
    -Senior High school
    Which level of scholarships do you need for?
    – undergraduate
    Duration of Scholarships
    -Full degree
    Amount of Scholarships
    -Fully funded
    Subject & Fields of Study
    – Psichology
    Which country are you from?
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship?
    -Dutch or Germany
    When do you want to get the scholarship?
    -This year 2023
    What kind of preparation have you done?
    -studying and looking for information
    Language competency & certificate? TOEFL / IELTS / …?
    -Nit yet, i don’t have
    What kind of article do you want to read?
    -Tips & tricks to get the scholarships
    Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.
    Guidance and information

  11. Tingkat pendidikan
    Apa tingkat pendidikan Anda saat ini?
    Tingkat beasiswa apa yang Anda butuhkan?
    Durasi Beasiswa
    -Gelar penuh
    Jumlah Beasiswa
    -Sepenuhnya didanai
    Mata Pelajaran & Bidang Studi
    Dari mana negara asalmu?
    Negara mana yang ingin Anda tuju dengan beasiswa?
    -Belanda atau Jerman
    Kapan Anda ingin mendapatkan beasiswa
    -tahun 2023
    Persiapan seperti apa yang sudah Anda lakukan
    -Belajar, mencari informasi
    Kompetensi & sertifikat bahasa? TOEFL/IELTS Belum punya
    Artikel seperti apa yang ingin Anda baca
    -Tips & trik mendapatkan beasiswa
    Ada hal lain yang Anda butuhkan?

  12. 1. Level of Education
    – S1
    2. Duration of the Scholarship
    – Full degree
    3. Number of Scholarships
    – Fully funded
    4. Subjects & Fields of Study
    – psychology
    5. Country
    – What is your origin of country? Indonesia
    – Which country would you like to go to on a scholarship? South Korea
    – When would you like to get a scholarship? 2023
    – What preparations have you made? Sorry no, I’m waiting for a scholarship to become available first
    – Achievement? I am still in school, sitting in class 12 at the Islamic boarding school, I have participated in regional organizations 3, I have memorized 30 juz of Al-Qur’an
    – Competency & language certificate? TOEFL / IELTS /…?
    …? i don’t have a certificate
    6. What article would you like to read?
    News about new scholarships Tips & tricks to get the scholarships
    How to apply scholarships
    Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.
    – Hopefully the information is correct and notified as soon as possible

  13. 1. Level of Education
    • What is your current level of education?
    I have graduated for Bachelor of Nursing, and postgraduated for Master of Biomedic.
    • Which level of scholarships do you need for?
    Doctoral degree for nursing
    2. Duration of Scholarships
    • Full degree but short course is okay too
    3. Amount of Scholarships
    • Fully funded from plane ticket for going and leaving, tuition fee, living allowance, book allowance, research fund
    4. Subject & Fields of Study
    • Nursing, epidemiology, public health
    5. Country
    • Which country are you from?
    I am from Indonesia
    • Which country do you want to go with the scholarship?
    I would like to go to study in Australia, Netherland, Finland
    6. When do you want to get the scholarship?
    • I would like to start my study as soon as in 2023
    7. What kind of preparation have you done?
    • I have graduated for my Bachelor of Nursing then Master of Biomedic from one of the best University in Indonesia namely Universitas Indonesia.
    • Language competency & certificate?
    I took TOEFL ITP test with score 540 and IELTS test with score 6,5, and I would like to take another TOEFL ITP test in near future if needed.
    8. What kind of article do you want to read?
    • News about new scholarships? yes
    • Tips & tricks to get the scholarships? yes
    • How to apply scholarships? yes
    9. Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.

    Hello, My name is Miskiyah. I am a female Indonesian and 40 years of age. I live in Jakarta and work as an government officer in Ministry of Health, as Laboratory instructor and manager in Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III. I have my bachelor degree in nursing science from Faculty of Nursing in Universitas Indonesia then my masteral degree in biomedical science from Faculty of Medicine in Universitas Indonesia. I live in Jakarta and work as a government officer in Ministry of Health as laboratory instructor and manager in Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III. My daily task is to manage the nursing laboratory including its staff as a coordinator also as a practicum instructor to the students who have practicum in laboratory before they do their clinical practice in practice field like hospitals, dispensaries, nursing homes, etc. I would like to get scholarship whether for full study for doctoral degree or any scholarship for short course whether in nursing science or epidemiology or public health because they will help me in advancing my knowledge and skills in teaching. I would like to go to study with full scholarship fund such as Australia, Finland, or Netherland because they have good relationship with Indonesia also recognized as best place to study.

  14. 1. Level of Education
    – What is your current level of education? Masters
    – Which level of scholarships do you need for? PhD in DBA
    Senior high school / undergraduate / postgraduate / doctoral /
    postdoctoral / …?
    2. Duration of Scholarships
    Full degree? Full Degree
    Short course?
    Student exchange?
    3. Amount of Scholarships
    Fully funded? Fully Funded
    Tuition fee?
    Living allowance?
    4. Subject & Fields of Study : Business Administration, Islamic Finance, English Literature.
    5. Country
    Which country are you from? Bangladesh
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship? Malaysia, Europe, USA, India.
    When do you want to get the scholarship? November/December-2022 or 2023
    6. What kind of preparation have you done? I have the preparation of admission and published 2 articles already in the International Journal. some more is coming soon continuously.
    Achievements? I stud first in all the level of my education like School, college, University. In addition I have 20 years experience in the international Business and now I am working as a country Manager for an European retailer.
    7. Language competency & certificate? TOEFL / IELTS / …? I have never appeared any competence certification test like TOEFL or IELTS. As my study master degree was in English literature and Language, I have the level of that competency.
    8. What kind of article do you want to read? I would like to read about how to get fully funded scholarship for DBA full course as a part time student.
    News about new scholarships?
    Tips & tricks to get the scholarships?
    How to apply scholarships?
    Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail. Thanks a lot.

  15. 1. Level of Education
    -What is your current level of education? Associate Degree
    -Which level of scholarships do you need? I am looking for a scholarship that is fully funded for a bachelor’s degree with a major in English Literature
    -Duration of Scholarships? Full degree
    -Amount of Scholarships? Fully funded
    -Subject & Fields of Study? English Literature or Tourism
    -Which country are you from? Indonesia
    -Which country do you want to go to with the scholarship? South Korea, Europe, or Japan
    -When do you want to get the scholarship? 2022 or 2023
    -What kind of preparation have you done? I have searched a lot about scholarships, on the internet to consult with several lecturers about fully funded scholarships abroad. I hope that I will be accepted into one of the scholarships that I apply for.

    -Achievements? I have participated in the English Olympiad at the University of North Sumatra, I was awarded as the best graduate with a GPA of 3.94. I got an award as a student who did a final trial using English. I have participated in several online English competitions, I learned several languages self-taught, one of which was Korean and Japanese.

    -Language competency & certificate? TOEFL / IELTS? I have never taken the TOEFL test but next month I will do the TOEFL test

    -What kind of article do you want to read? I want to read articles about extension scholarships from an associate degree to bachelor’s degree

    Any other thing you need? I want the information ASAP on which scholarship I could get to reach my goals as a specialist, how n what to prepare, when, where, that I could get resources to study, etc. Please help me

  16. introduce, my name is Alaina Shaumi Nur Ainara. I will answer some of the questions below :

    1. Level of Education
    What is your current level of education? I’m currently in junior high school
    Which level of scholarships do you need for? Senior high school.
    Duration of Scholarships
    Full degree? Yes, i want it.
    Amount of Scholarships
    Fully funded? Yes, i want it.
    2. Subject & Fields of Study
    Which country are you from? I’m from Indonesia
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship? i want to study in UK/New Zealand/Singapore/Italy/Russia/Amsterdam.
    When do you want to get the scholarship? In 2022 or 2023, maybe.
    What kind of preparation have you done? For now, I’m still preparing the basics. Because, I still don’t know where I’m going to continue. For sure, I will try my best to achieve what I and my family want.
    Achievements? Frankly, I do not have any achievements. In fact, until now I have not found my own passion. Therefore, I want to get out of the safe zone so I can discover what I haven’t found yet.
    What kind of article do you want to read? Psychology/business.
    News about new scholarships? yes, if there is any latest information please let me know.
    Tips & tricks to get the scholarships? Please let me know if there is any information regarding international/domestic scholarships. and please tell the tips and tricks.
    How to apply scholarships? Yes pls tell me how to apply for the scholarship.
    Any other thing you need? Maybe, next time, thank you.

    Enough, thank you:)

  17. 1. Level of Education
    – SMK
    – S1
    2. Duration of Scholarships
    – Full degree
    3. Amount of Scholarships
    – Fully funded
    4. Subject & Fields of Study
    – visual communication design
    5. Country
    – Which country are you from? Indonesia
    – Which country do you want to go with the scholarship? USA or Korea
    – When do you want to get the scholarship? 2022
    – What kind of preparation have you done? Sorry nope, I am waiting for the scholarship availability first
    – Achievements? I had study in Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember with subject Design & Digital Marketing in 1 year so i have certificate, and certificate of Fashion Design too.
    – Language competency & certificate? TOEFL / IELTS / …?
    …? i have certificate TOEIC
    6. What kind of article do you want to read?
    News about new scholarships
    Tips & tricks to get the scholarships
    How to apply scholarships

    Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.
    – Hopefully the information is correct and notified as soon as possible

  18. Level of Education
    What is your current level of education?
    : NCC Level 3 Diploma In Information Technology
    Which level of scholarships do you need for?
    : Any, that match my current level of course
    Duration of Scholarships?
    : Full
    Amount of Scholarships
    : Fully funded if possible
    Subject & Fields of Study
    : After graduated as Diploma in IT student. My current interest more into culinary arts and travel tourism (Pariwisata)

    Which country are you from?
    :Brunei Darussalam
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship?
    : Indonesia, Jakarta
    When do you want to get the scholarship?
    : 2022 if possible
    What kind of preparation have you done?
    : So far none. Achievement is I’ve joined many social events. Leadership events and handling the events too.
    Language competency & certificate?
    : Not joining the programs from IELTS more to Self-taught speaking and writing 5 different languages. In this modern world, I use technology to help me learn since learning foreign languages is pricy these days.

    : Hello fellow!
    My name is Nurul from Brunei Darussalam. Currently just graduated with an NCC Level 3 Diploma in Information Technology in Brunei Darussalam. I would like to continue my National diploma onwards in Jakarta, Indonesia if possible. I currently looking for a fully-funded scholarship that relates to my current interest back then which is Travel tourism (pariwisata) and culinary arts. I can speak 5 different languages which are:
    Bahasa Indonesia
    Bahasa Daerah in indonesia –
    Bahasa Ambon & Bahasa Jawa (Normal Jawa)
    Tagalog (Philippines)
    All the languages above are self-taught learning. Since the world now is modern and provided by amazing technologies, I use it for learning those foreign languages above. Despite, learning foreign languages is pricy these days. As both of my parents now is pension already. So hopefully there is a fully-funded scholarship as I stated above that matches my interest. Help from you is highly appreciated. Any update from scholarship that match my interest can contact me to email below:

    Nurul, Brunei Darussalam

  19. hi there, thanks fot this opportunity
    1) my level of education is bachelor degree in psychology. I need postgraduate level of scholarship
    2) I need a full degree duration of scholarship
    3) I need fully funded scholarship
    4) the field of study I would like to take is Magister Psychology Profession: Child Clinical Psychology so that I can be a child clinical psychologist.
    5) I am from Indonesia and would to go to Malaysia/ Turkey, or Indonesia itself
    6) I need the scholarship for next year (2022)
    7) What I’ve prepared for the scholarship is that I’m regularly prepare and study for IELTS, I also have made the research framework for my thesis, and now still collecting data from books and journal about the topic.
    8) I would like to read news about new scholarship and how to apply the scholarships
    9) I need a person to guide or share during this process, thanks for asking 🙂

    Best Regards,

    1. 1- Qual é o seu nível de escolaridade atual?
      Ensino médio

      2- Para qual nível de bolsas você precisa?

      3- Duração das bolsas? Graduação completa
      Ou Intercâmbio

      4- Quantidade de bolsas? Totalmente financiado, se possível, ou com desconto.

      9- Assunto e áreas de estudo? Música

      10- De qual país você é? Brasil

      11- Para qual país você quer ir com a bolsa? EUA

      12- Quando você quer obter a bolsa de estudos?

      13- Que tipo de preparação você fez?
      Estudo e toco, fazendo apresentações.

      14- Que tipo de artigo você quer ler?

      Notícias sobre novas bolsas (música),
      dicas e truques para obter as bolsas de estudo, como aplicar bolsas de estudos.

  20. 1. Level of Education
    ▶️ What is your current level of education?
    I was on vocational and pre-professional high school
    ▶️ Which level of scholarships do you need for?
    I need undergraduate scholarships
    2. Duration of Scholarships
    Full degree and student exchange
    3. Amount of Scholarships
    Fully funded
    4. Subject & Fields of Study
    5. Country
    ▶️ Which country are you from?
    I’m from Indonesia
    ▶️ Which country do you want to go with the scholarship?
    Korea, or USA
    6. When do you want to get the scholarship?
    This year or next year
    7. What kind of preparation have you done?
    I can speak english well, I’m the winner of 2nd city level contest of wits, and I’m ready for the test
    8. What kind of article do you want to read?
    All of these articles down bellow :
    News about new scholarships
    Tips & tricks to get the scholarships
    How to apply scholarships

  21. 1.Tingkat pendidikan
    ¤ Apa tingkat pendidikan Anda saat ini? Sarjana
    ¤ Tingkat beasiswa mana yang Anda butuhkan? Beasiswa penuh untuk hidup selama kuliah
    2.Durasi Beasiswa
    Gelar penuh
    3. Jumlah Beasiswa
    Didanai penuh, Biaya kuliah, Tunjangan hidup
    4. Subjek & Bidang Studi
    Dari negara mana kamu berasal? Indonesia
    Negara mana yang ingin Anda tuju dengan beasiswa? Indonesia
    Kapan Anda ingin mendapatkan beasiswa?
    Persiapan seperti apa yang sudah kamu lakukan? Sekarang karena ingin membeli laptop dan tidak ingin menyusahkan orang tua, persiapan saya yaitu belajar dengan penuh dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk mendapatkan beasiswa
    5. Artikel seperti apa yang ingin Anda baca?
    Berita tentang beasiswa baru, Tips & trik untuk mendapatkan beasiswa, dan Bagaimana cara mendaftar beasiswa

  22. 1. Level of Education
    What is your current level of education? I’m currently Master of Education
    Which level of scholarships do you need for? I need Doctoral Scholarships.
    2. Duration of Scholarships
    Full degree.
    3. Amount of Scholarships
    Fully funded.
    4. Subject & Fields of Study
    5. Country
    Which country are you from? I’m from Indonesia.
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship? I want to go to Turkey, Swedish/Denmark, Russia, Netherland or Australia
    6. When do you want to get the scholarship? I want to get the scholarship during 2022.
    7. What kind of preparation have you done? I need information about this.
    8. What kind of article do you want to read?
    News about new scholarships? Yes.
    Tips & tricks to get the scholarships? Yes.
    How to apply scholarships? Yes.

  23. 1. Level of Education
    What is your current level of education? I’m currently at 11th grade senior high school.
    Which level of scholarships do you need for? I need S1/undergraduate scholarships.
    Senior high school / undergraduate / postgraduate / doctoral / postdoctoral / …?
    2. Duration of Scholarships
    Full degree.
    3. Amount of Scholarships
    Fully funded.
    4. Subject & Fields of Study
    Computer science.
    5. Country
    Which country are you from? I’m from Indonesia.
    Which country do you want to go with the scholarship? I want to go to Turkey, Swedish/Denmark, Russia, Canada, Inggris .
    6. When do you want to get the scholarship? I want to get the scholarship on August 2023.
    7. What kind of preparation have you done? I need information about this.
    8. What kind of article do you want to read?
    News about new scholarships? Yes.
    Tips & tricks to get the scholarships? Yes.
    How to apply scholarships? Yes.

  24. saya dea dari riau saya ingin mendapatkan beasiswa luar negeri karna saya mempunyai mimpi yang tinggi dan juga saya dari orang yang kurang mampu saya ingin mengubah hidup saya dengan mendapatkan beasiswa luar negeri dengan jurusan satra inggris

  25. 1.
    -Tingkat pendidikan saya sekarang adalah SMA kelas 12
    -Tingkat beasiswa yang saya inginkan adalah S1
    2. Sayang ingin gelar penuh
    3. Fully funded karna saya tidak ingin membebani orang tua saya dengan banyak hal salah satunya dengan kuliah ini
    4. Saya ingin menekuni Bidang Kedokteran (biologi dan bahasa inggris)
    5. Saya berasal dari Lampung Indonesia,saya ingin mendapatkan beasiswa ke negara (Belanda,New Zealand,atau Kanada
    6. secepatnya,bisa dibilang 2022 atau 2023
    7. Saya belum menyiapkan persiapan apapun tapi saya selalu mempunyai keinginan dan terus berusaha mencari informasi” yang ada walaupun ruang lingkup saya kecil akan informasi tentang beasiswa” yang saya butuhkan
    8. Tips agar bisa mendapatkan beasiswa dan selalu mencari universitas di luar negri yang membuka jalur beasiswa
    9.Saya membutuhkan informasi” yang sangat amat membantu saya agar bisa mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut dan cara agar saya bisa mendapatkannya

  26. Hai, Saya Khansa Mardhiyah Mustajabah Komara.
    saya ingin sekali menjadi siswa pertukaran ke korea, dengan jurusan yang saya ambil di kampus yaitu Ilmu Komunikasi
    1. Fresh Graduate form Communication Science, to be part of master communication UNPAD
    2. student Excange
    3. Fully Funded
    4. Communication studed i am from Karawang Indonesia, and i want to go South of Korea, anywhere i come
    5. i hope in this year or next year (2022)
    6. my score toefl is 520
    7. tips and trick to get the scholarship in korea
    8. i hope i can get the scholarship in korea to make my dream come true.
    thank u

  27. 1. MAN
    2. S1
    3. Biaya full
    4. manga/animation/arts management/bahasa(pendidikan atau sastra)
    5. Saya dari Indonesia. Ingin mendapat beasiswa di negara, Jepang, Inggris, Amerika, atau Korea, tapi lebih minat JEPANG
    6. 2022 atau 2023
    7. Belum pernah mengikuti tes apapun sebelumnya, tapi selalu mencari referensi beasiswa dan belajar otodidak bahasa asing(jepang)
    8. informasi beasiswa baru dan Cara mendapatkan beasiswa
    9. informasi persyaratan dan memperkirakan kapan beasiswa akan dibuka

  28. Ingin sekali mendapatkan beasiswa sekolah kebidanan baik dalam maupun luar negri, di Danai dan gratis biaya, karna saya berasal dari kalangan biasa tapi saya ingin memgggapai cita” saya

  29. 1. Tingkat pendidikan saat ini S1, ingin mengambil beasiswa S2
    2. Kelas penuh
    3. Sepenuhnya didanai
    4. Marketing
    5. Berasal dari Indonesia dan ingin mendapatkan beasiswa di negara Turki
    6. Tahun 2022 setelah selesai wisuda di S1
    7. Prestasi tidak buruk tidak juga baik. Saat ini sedang belajar berbahasa inggris
    8. Berita tentang beasiswa baru, Berita tentang beasiswa baru
    Tips & trik untuk mendapatkan beasiswa, Bagaimana cara mengajukan beasiswa
    9. Saya menginginkan beasiswa ini untuk membanggakan kedua org tua dan ingin menemukan pengalaman baru di luar minimnya ilmu di daerah saya.

  30. Halo nama saya M. Iqbal Alghifary
    Saya dari Indonesia
    Saya mau melanjutkan pendidikan s 1 saya di turki
    Gimana caranya

  31. 1. Tingkat pendidikan
    Apa tingkat pendidikan Anda saat ini? SMP
    2. Beasiswa tingkat mana yang Anda butuhkan? SMA
    3. Durasi Beasiswa
    Gelar penuh? Ya
    4. Jumlah Beasiswa
    Didanai sepenuhnya? Iya didanai sepenuhnya
    5. Subjek & Bidang Studi = seni
    6. Negara
    Dari negara mana kamu berasal? Indonesia
    Negara mana yang ingin Anda tuju dengan beasiswa? Korea Selatan
    7. Kapan Anda ingin mendapatkan beasiswa? Lulus SMP 2021 tahun depan
    8. Persiapan seperti apa yang telah Anda lakukan?
    Prestasi? Kelas 1-4 tidak dapat,kelas 5-6 juara 3,kelas 7-8 juara 9.
    Kompetensi & sertifikat bahasa? Sedang belajar bahasa inggris
    9. Artikel seperti apa yang ingin Anda baca?
    Berita tentang beasiswa baru.
    10. Ada hal lain yang Anda butuhkan? Tolong jelaskan secara rinci.
    Saya sangat membutuhkan beasiswa ini karena saya menginginkannya dan untuk membantu meringankan ekonomi keluarga

  32. Hallo nama saya Chaer Moriska, umur saya 14 tahun, tahun depan saya akan memasuki SMA. Saya ingin sekali dapat beasiswa agar dapat meringankan beban kakak perempuan saya, saya orang yang mungkin tidak terlalu pintar dan tidar terlalu bodoh, saat kelas 1 dan 2 SMP saya mendapat juara 9 dan 8, hobi saya menari dan juga mendesain, walaupun belum sempurna saya ingin mengembangkan itu.
    Saya sangat berharap dengan usaha saya ini membuat kakak saya senang.
    Dan membuat kedua orang tua saya di atas sana bangga.


  33. My name is Josefa, grade 3 High school. I want to continue my education to Germany and of course with a full scholarship. I want to find information on how to register and the provider.

  34. Tingkat pendidikan
    Apa tingkat pendidikan Anda saat ini? SMA
    Beasiswa tingkat mana yang Anda butuhkan? S1
    SMA / sarjana / pascasarjana / doktoral / postdoktoral / …? Sarjana

    Durasi Beasiswa
    Gelar penuh? YA
    Kursus pendek? Tidak
    Pertukaran pelajar? Ya

    Jumlah Beasiswa
    Didanai sepenuhnya? YA
    Diskon? YA
    Biaya kuliah?
    Tunjangan hidup? YA

    Subjek & Bidang Studi
    Dari negara mana kamu berasal? Indonesia
    Negara mana yang ingin Anda tuju dengan beasiswa? London
    Kapan Anda ingin mendapatkan beasiswa? Setelah lulus SMA
    Persiapan seperti apa yang telah Anda lakukan? Mencari info sebanyak banyaknya
    Prestasi? SD kls 1-3 mendapatkan ranking 1, selama SMP saya pernah mendapatkan juara paralel 3,4,6 , pernah mengikuti perlobaan newscaster
    Kompetensi & sertifikat bahasa? TOEFL / IELTS / …? Terakhir score TOEFL yang saya peroleh adalah 447
    Artikel seperti apa yang ingin Anda baca? Beasiswa luar maupun dalam negeri
    Berita tentang beasiswa baru? Ya
    Tips & trik untuk mendapatkan beasiswa? Ya
    Bagaimana cara mengajukan beasiswa?
    Ada hal lain yang Anda butuhkan? Tolong jelaskan secara rinci.

  35. 1. high school
    2. full degree
    3. fully funded
    tuition fee
    life span
    4. from the country of Indonesia
    I want seven at Padjadjaran University in Indonesia
    5. there is no preparation yet
    6. scholarship at Padjadjaran University
    an article about scholarship at Padjadjaran University and how to submit it at the same time.

  36. Saya ingin mendapatkan beasiswa dalam negeri, dalam bidang desain dan seni
    Prestasi:tahfiz al quran

  37. Nama saya Mergreci jelia.
    Negara asal Indonesia.
    Saya masih kelas 11 SMA program IBB.
    Saya ingin sekali mendapatkan beasiswa setelah saya tamat SMA nanti.

  38. Hi, My name is Ade Wirawan has graduated from BA of Information Systems at ITB STIKOM Bali 2019. I received a M.A from Gallaudet University since April 2020. I have not received a full scholarship for the Master of Art in GU. Are there any scholarships this year? Please respond. Thank you.

    1. Nama saya aulia safira.
      Saat ini saya masih kelas 11 SMA jurusan IPS. Saya ingin mendapatkan beasiswa penuh untuk berkuliah di turky.

  39. I am Riska Euro if I am a student in the Islamic comparative major in Pekanbaru in the second semester, are there scholarships for my category?

  40. 1. Tingkat pendidikan
    Apa tingkat pendidikan Anda saat ini? SMP
    2. Beasiswa tingkat mana yang Anda butuhkan? SMA
    3. Durasi Beasiswa
    Gelar penuh? Ya
    4. Jumlah Beasiswa
    Didanai sepenuhnya? Iya didanai sepenuhnya
    5. Subjek & Bidang Studi = MIPA
    6. Negara
    Dari negara mana kamu berasal? Indonesia
    Negara mana yang ingin Anda tuju dengan beasiswa? Korea Selatan
    7. Kapan Anda ingin mendapatkan beasiswa? Lulus SMP 2020 tahun ini
    8. Persiapan seperti apa yang telah Anda lakukan?
    Prestasi? Saya dari kelas 1-5 sd juara 1. Kelas 6 juara 2. Untuk SMP kelas 7 peringkat paralel 13, kelas 8 peringkat paralel lupa, kelas 9 peringkat paralel semester 1 lupa. Peringkat TUC 2 peringkat 49
    Kompetensi & sertifikat bahasa? TOEFL / IELTS / …?
    Masih belajar Bahasa Korea
    9. Artikel seperti apa yang ingin Anda baca?
    Berita tentang beasiswa baru.
    10. Ada hal lain yang Anda butuhkan? Tolong jelaskan secara rinci.
    Saya sangat membutuhkan beasiswa ini karena saya menginginkannya dan untuk membantu meringankan ekonomi keluarga
    Terima kasih.

  41. undergraduate student in technology science. Full degree. Full funded. Whatever is related to technology in the United States. I come from Indonesia and I want to continue my studies in the United States. I want to get a scholarship next year or this year if I am lucky. my preparation is just more learning

  42. My name is Naila Akyasa Fr, right now I’m still in high school. I come from Indonesia. I need information on undergraduate scholarships to prepare for college in 2021. I want a full scholarship but other scholarships don’t want anything. Both domestically and abroad. But if abroad I ask to study in Europe and Turkey. I also need info about the requirements that need to be prepared. Also tips and tricks for getting scholarships, stories of experiences of people who can get scholarships or study abroad, exams get TOEFL / IELTS. I really want a lecture that talks about medical, historical, social, cultural, and business.

  43. I am studying for a Bachelor of Law majoring in law. I need a postgraduate degree majoring in law in the country (Indonesia), needing a full scholarship from tuition, books, and living expenses. I prepare a telephone to apply for a scholarship. Postgraduate scholarships will be needed when they have graduated from undergraduate after the service of the district government that has provided undergraduate scholarships in 2022 to enroll in this postgraduate scholarship.

  44. 1. SMA
    2. Sarjana
    3. Biasiswa penuh
    4. Didanai penuh
    5. Teknik komputer atau teknik penerbangan
    6.dari negara Indonesia,negara yang dituju Jepang,fhilipina atau belanda dan korea
    7. Tahun depan 2021
    8. Belum mengikuti apapun tetapi sudah mencari beberapa referensi dan bergabung dengan grub tentang jalur beasiswa dan beberapa grub belajar
    9. Apa yang ingin saya ketahui yaitu semuanya tentang cara pendaftaran,cara mendapatkan beasiswa dan cara pembelajaran,dll

    Semoga bisa mendapat beasiswa.aamiin

    1. 1.pengen dapet beasiswa SMA
      3.beasiswa penuh
      4.biaya penuh
      5.Teknik komputer
      6.dari negara Indonesia,negara yg ditujui korea selatan,Jepang
      7.tahun depan 2021-2022
      8.belum mengikuti apapun
      9.yang saya ingin ketahui,cara agar bisa menggapai sekolah saya di luar negri,dan ingin mengetahui cara agar bisa mendapat kan beasiswa

  45. I’m an university student in the second semester. I am looking for a scholarship that is fully funded for a full degree with a major in nursing in Indonesia. Thank you

    1. 1. SMK
      2. S1
      3. Biaya full
      4. Teknik komputer
      5. Saya dari Indonesia. Ingin mendapat beasiswa di negara Australia, Jepang atau Inggris
      6. 2021
      7. Belum pernah mengikuti tes apapun sebelumnya, tapi selalu mencari referensi beasiswa dan mencoba
      8. Cara mendapatkan beasiswa

      1. Saya lulusan sma tahun 2018 dari indonesia.saya memang dari keluarga berkekurangan tapi itu tidak menghalangkan niat saya untuk melanjutkan mimpi saya untuk memajukan teknologi kesehatan indonesia

        1. 1. Level of Education
          a. I am now working as general physician n house wife
          b. Specialist
          c. Specialisg

          2. Duration of Scholarships
          Full degree until become specialist

          3. Amount of Scholarships
          Fully funded please

          4. Subject & Fields of Study
          Occupational Health (Sp. OK) or Aviation Medicine (Sp. KP)

          5. Country
          Which country are you from? Indonesia
          Which country do you want to go with the scholarship? Indonesia is enough

          6. When do you want to get the scholarship? 2022 at least

          7. What kind of preparation have you done?
          Sorry nope, I am waiting for the scholarship availability first

          8. What kind of article do you want to read?
          News about new scholarships?
          Tips & tricks to get the scholarships?
          How to apply scholarships?
          All of them above

          9. Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail.
          I want the information ASAP of which scholarship I could get to reach my goals as specialist, how n what to prepare, when, where, that I could get resources to study etc. Please help me

      2. 1. Level of Education
        •) What is your current level of education?-Junior High School
        •) Which level of scholarships do you need for? -Senior High School

        2. Duration of Scholarships
        •) Full degree

        3. Amount of Scholarships
        •) Fully funded

        4. Subject & Fields of Study. -Pretty good school and ordinary.

        5. Country
        •)Which country are you from? -Indonesia
        •) Which country do you want to go with the scholarship? -Seoul, South Korea

        6. When do you want to get the scholarship? -2 more years / 2023

        7. What kind of preparation have you done? -I have a pretty high score and I can quite speak Korean and English.

        8. What kind of article do you want to read?
        •) News about new scholarships
        •) Tips & tricks to get the scholarships
        •) How to apply scholarships

        9. Any other thing you need? Please describe in detail. -Hopefully the information is correct and useful.

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